About Us

Concepta & Antony


Five years ago Concepta and Antony struggled while working too hard in their 9:00am to 5:00pm jobs, they really did not enjoy it, because they had to take their daughter to the baby sitter every day they go to work. They needed to solve this, they needed time for each other and their girls.

In March 2018, they began reading about e-commerce business books with intention of one day starting their own business. Many friends advised them to try online business by joining already-formed digital online businesses. But one day they started playing with the wording of both their names. They came up with the name concanto.com and agreed to make it an e-commerce platform to sell different products plus their African design attires, branded t-shirts, and hoodies with intention of encouraging people in their personal finances. The same year Antony began writing his personal finance book “My pocket friendly Abroad” and this inspired both of them to have concanto.com launch a webinar that teaches personal finance weekly through their website. Since they had many followers on both Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Tiktok they started concanto.com. This was a good idea, idea to start e-commerce that will force people to take a hard look at their life and join entrepreneurship.

Our Brand

Our mission is to provide you with an excellent shopping experience as our clients’ satisfaction is paramount. We strive in giving you a best product at a great price

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